Vielseitige Eindrücke entlang des Mainufers

Main Cruises

Kontraste erleben Sie auf einer Mainkreuzfahrt in Hülle und Fülle. Serviert werden imposante Gotteshäuser in Bamberg, Nürnberg und Würzburg, Deutschlands einzige Skyline in Frankfurt oder Shopping im Outlet-Village in Wertheim. Über den Main erreichen Sie die unterschiedlichsten Städte mit ihren Attraktionen und interessanten Geschichten.

You will experience contrasts in abundance on a Main River cruise. Impressive churches in Bamberg, Nuremberg and Würzburg, Germany’s only skyline of skyscrapers in Frankfurt and shopping in the Outlet-Village in Wertheim are all on the menu. The Main will take you to diverse cities and their landmarks and interesting stories.

Our Main cruise begins in Cologne, where we will then head towards Frankfurt through the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Middle Rhine Valley. On the way, we’ll pass Koblenz, the mystical Lorelei, Rüdesheim am Rhein and Mainz. There we change waterways and start heading upstream towards the first shore leave in the financial centre of Frankfurt. Here you can taste some Äppelwoi (apple wine) and Handkäs (sour milk cheese) or let off some steam shopping in the many international designer boutiques.

Lined with lush greenery and fertile vineyards, we will wind around the Spessart, which we can admire at our next stop, Wertheim. The castle, which is built on a mountain, offers a wonderful view of the forested hills in the distance. This view allows us to stray into times long past, when knights still rode swiftly to the castle to save beautiful princesses. After the excursion and the climb up to the castle, a sauna session in the SPA on board our ship is just what you need. Here you can also enjoy the view of the enchanting banks of the Main.

In grand Würzburg, the Residence and a number of significant churches and the famous bridge – the Alte Mainbrücke – and its wine bar await you. Our insider’s tip is the Käppele, a church of pilgrimage. A romantic path lined with ancient trees leads to this small Catholic church. Once you have reached the top, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the entire city. And don’t forget to take an exquisite Franconian wine in a Bocksbeutel bottle back home with you!

Our next stops on the Main cruise: Schweinfurt and Nuremberg. Here you will experience Bavarian flair; we recommend trying a few Nuremberg sausages or Hax’n (knuckle of pork) in one of the breweries. Delicious! At Christmas, the tranquil old towns will captivate you with their traditional Christmas markets and romantic lighting in the alleyways and streets. What could possibly be better? On your cruise ship you can also enjoy regional and international delicacies, which are always freshly prepared by our chefs – and even directly before your eyes during live cooking sessions. We’re looking forward to taking you on a Main cruise!

River Cruises on the Main with A-ROSA in 2024

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