Frequently Askes Questions

Do you have questions about your booking or cruise? Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

    The ongoing global conflicts have led to an above-average increase in the market price of marine diesel. This is why based on its General Terms and Conditions (§5), A-ROSA Flussschiff GmbH is unfortunately forced to transfer part of the increased fuel prices to the guests on all sailings in March 2024, starting with departure from 2 March 2024. The price structure in inland navigation is affected by global economic influences and is not aligned with the regular prices at local car petrol stations. The surcharge is calculated monthly based on the current diesel purchase price. Up to the calculated amount of the brochure price, A-ROSA covers the additional costs by itself. The fuel surcharge will only be added once this amount has been exceeded. If the energy market stabilises and diesel prices drop as a result, no fuel surcharge would be added.

    Keywords: Booking, Payment, Invoice, Payment, Deposit, Fees, Booking Confirmation, Fuel surcharge

    Unfortunately, your fellow travelers cannot enjoy your benefits unless they are members of the customer club. We only grant our customer club benefits to members. Only booking-related benefits are excluded. All club conditions can be found in the A-ROSA Club terms and conditions.

    Keywords: Fellowship, Club Conditions, Club Advantages

    Bei Fragen können Sie sich gerne an die A-ROSA Club Hotline wenden:

    +49 381 202 60 10
    Mo-Sa 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr

    oder per E-Mail: club@a-rosa.com

    Keywords: Contact, Club Advantages

    Please complete the contact form to check your customer club status. The information in the form will help us to properly track your trips.

    Keywords: Fellowship, Customer Club Status, Club Levels

    A Membership of the A-ROSA Customer Club is free of charge.

    Keywords: Fellowship, Club Conditions

    No, membership of the A-ROSA Customer Club is not limited in time. You retain your status regardless of the frequency of your bookings. You cannot be downgraded to a lower level again. Your current club benefits therefore remain in place permanently.

    Keywords: Fellowship, Club Levels

    Ihre Kundendaten können Sie unter der Angabe von Vor- und Zuname und der Mitgliedsnummer telefonisch über die A-ROSA Club-Hotline +49 381 - 202 6010 oder per E-Mail an: club@a-rosa.com aktualisieren.

    Simply click on "Forgot your password?" under the login field or follow this Link.

    Keywords: Web Portal, Login Data