Neukunden werben & Bordguthaben sichern!

Refer New Customers & Secure Loyalty Bonus

Als bekennender A-ROSA Freund & Kunde kennen Sie jemanden, der ebenfalls mal auf einem A-ROSA Kreuzfahrtschiff reisen möchte?

Dann werben Sie ihn doch einfach als Neukunden und profitieren Sie je nach Reisedauer von einem Bordguthaben von bis zu € 150, welches wir Ihnen für Ihre nächste Flussreise auf einem unserer Schiffe gutschreiben werden.

TIPP: Reisen Sie gemeinsam! Sollten Sie zusammen mit den geworbenen Neukunden auf A-ROSA Kreuzfahrt gehen, erhalten diese ein Bordguthaben in Höhe von € 50 pro Kabine.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in Ihrem Reisebüro oder im A-ROSA Service Center unter Tel. +49 (0) 3 81 - 202 6020 oder per Mail an

As a committed A-ROSA friend & customer, you know someone who would also like to go on an A-ROSA cruise?

Then simply refer them as a new customer and benefit from a loyalty bonus of up to € 300, depending on the duration of your trip, which we will credit to your next river cruise on one of our ships.

TIP: Travel together! If you go on an A-ROSA cruise together with the referred customers, they will also receive a discount of € 100 per cabin.

For more information, please contact your travel agency or the A-ROSA Service Center at +49 381 2026001 or send an e-mail to

Loyalty Bonus

The amount of loyalty bonus* is determined based on the length of the newly booked cruise and per cabin:

  • 1-5 Nights = € 100 Loyalty bonus
  • 6-8 Nights = € 200 Loyalty bonus
  • 9-18 Nights = € 300 Loyalty bonus

* New customers can only be referred by a single person. The loyalty bonus is granted per booked cabin and the amount depends on the length of the newly booked cruise by a new customer. Loyalty bonus is only granted for A-ROSA Premium all inclusive bookings and cannot be redeemed in cash. Existing A-ROSA customers cannot refer each other. The loyalty bonus cannot be combined with other offers, discounts, or reductions. This offer only applies to new bookings and must be submitted at the time of booking. It is not possible to grant the benefit at a later date.

Unsere Reisetipps für Ihre nächste Reise

Our travel tips for your next trip


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