Highlights of the Rhine River Cruise
Make your way to Belgian treasures, Dutch lust for life and riverboats on the Ruhr.
From Cologne to Willemstad, Antwerp, Amsterdam (Lelystad*) and Düsseldorf to Cologne.
Beurs voor Diamanthandel, the Belgian diamond bourse, has north-facing windows, because it’s important to keep sunlight to a minimum when evaluating the colour and purity of the stones. Antwerp is an old diamond-trading city, but it also has a more down-to-earth side. The city’s most famous chip shop is Frituur N°1 where Maria subjects the truly exquisite chips to a dual-fry process. Amsterdam’s treasures include its diverse range of museums, its glittering canals and, most importantly, its relaxed multicultural society, where every visitor immediately feels at home. Duisburg in Germany’s Ruhr region (or “Pott”) has an equally international quality. Duisburg is a true city on water: the Rhine, the Ruhr, the Rhine-Herne Canal and the world’s largest inland port are all waiting to be explored. When you dock here and take a look at the huge ships that sail the world’s seas, you’re bound to feel a little bit of wanderlust yourself.