Entdecken Sie unsere Donau-Kreuzfahrten

Experience our Danube river cruises

Kommen Sie an Bord der A-ROSA Kreuzfahrtschiffe und entdecken Sie die Donau ab Passau. Sie erreichen Metropolen wie Wien oder Budapest ganz bequem vom Fluss aus. 

Ihre aufregende Donau-Kreuzfahrt mit der A-ROSA BELLAA-ROSA DONNAA-ROSA MIAA-ROSA RIVA und A-ROSA FLORA startet in Engelhartszell (Passau), eine kleine Gemeinde in Oberösterreich nahe der deutsch-österreichischen Grenze, in welcher sich der A-ROSA Anleger befindet. Sie reisen bis nach Passau an und wir bringen Sie mit einem Transfer direkt zu Ihrem Schiff. Von dort aus kann Ihre erlebnisreiche Flusskreuzfahrt beginnen.

Step on board the A-ROSA cruise ships and discover the Danube from Passau. You can visit the metropolises along the Danube such as Budapest or Vienna

Your exciting river cruise with the A-ROSA BELLA, A-ROSA DONNA, A-ROSA MIA, A-ROSA RIVA and A-ROSA FLORA starts in Passau. You will travel to Passau and our transfer will take you directly to your ship. Here we will set of for your eventful river cruise. Find more information here.

We recommend arriving one day before your river cruise for a relaxed arrival. For example, spend the night in one of our partner hotels. This will give you the opportunity to get to know the region around Passau better. The Three Rivers City with its charming baroque style is definitely worth a visit. 

Von Passau bis ins Donau-Delta

Discover the unique Danube-region

Genießen Sie Ihre Flusskreuzfahrt auf der Donau, einen der längsten Flüsse Europas, der durch insgesamt zehn Länder fließt – so viele wie kein anderer Fluss. Bei einer Donaukreuzfahrt können Sie abwechslungsreiche Städte und Landschaften erleben. Neben großen Metropolen wie Wien oder Budapest, bietet die Donau auch Naturhighlights. Jede Region, die die Donau durchfließt, hat ihr eigenes charakteristisches Flair, das sich nicht nur in den Häfen und Städten zeigt, sondern auch in der umliegenden Landschaft. Die schönsten Naturschauspiele bieten dabei die Schlögener Schlinge, die Katarakten sowie das Donau Delta, an deren Ufer steile und ursprüngliche Felsformationen zu entdecken sind. 

There’s nothing like a river cruise on the Danube. One of Europes longest rivers, it flows through a total of ten countries – more than any other river. As you drift along, you’ll experience a wide range of different cities and landscapes, grand metropolises such as Vienna and Budapest as well as many natural highlights. Every region through which the Danube passes has its own unique atmosphere, it appears not only in the ports and cities but also in the surrounding countryside. The most beautiful natural areas include the Danube Loop, the Iron Gates gorge and the Danube Delta, with its steep cliffs and primeval rock formations. Each of the towns and cities along the Danube also has its own distinctive charm. As the ship enters the various harbours, you can marvel at very different skylines - from historical to modern, the cities combine various architectural styles. Discover the diversity of this great river and the surrounding regions on a Danube cruise. It’s an experience the whole family will enjoy.

DanubeLinzEngelhartszellMelkKremsViennaViennaBratislavaBratislavaEsztergomBudapestBudapestKalocsaNovi SadBelgradeBelgradeRuseBucharestBucharestTulceaSulinaOltenițaMohácsPassauConstantaGiurgiuTurnu Severin

River cruises from Passau in 2025

The best sights and destinations in Budapest



High up on the castle hill, where the fish market was situated in the Middle Ages, the Fishermen’s Bastion of Budapest towers over the city. The building owes its name to the fisherman’s guild for which the Bastion was built. In the Middle Ages, this guild was supposed to defend that part of the city wall. With its conical towers, the building is a real eye-catcher. Today, it’s a wonderful place to take in a view of the Danube and the district of Pest. The monument was built between 1895 and 1902.

SCHÖNBRUNN PALACE VIENNA Wien Schönbrunn mit A-ROSA erleben


Schönbrunn Palace - The residence of the famous Empress Sisi has not only historical significance, but also a magnificent location and an opulent interior. Leopold I had had it built as a hunting lodge in the late 17th century. Half a century later, Maria Theresa had it expanded into a true Baroque palace. The living spaces of Sisi and Emperor Franz Joseph I, which have been preserved in their entirety, are particularly impressive. The adjoining palace garden, the palace theatre, the Viennese Neptune Fountain and the zoological garden are also worth a visit.

Bratislava Castle [Translate to English:] Pressburg Bratislava

Bratislava Castle

Bratislava Castle - The ‘Bratislava City Express’ takes you to Bratisavský Hrad – or Bratislava Castle – the landmark of Bratislava. Enjoy a sweeping view over the Danube from the 85-metre-high cliff. The city owes its name to its commissioner Count Wratislaw, who had the site built in the middle of the 17th century. A century later, Maria Theresa decided to renovate it for representational purposes. Did you know that the castle also features as the design on Slovak euro coins?

Prater Vienna Flussreise nach Wien

Prater Vienna

The Prater and the Ferris wheel - The Prater invites you to take a relaxed walk in the river landscape of the Danube. The spacious area is made up of idyllic meadows and forests. You will find the Wiener Riesenrad, a Ferris wheel, in the north-western part of the Prater. Enjoy Vienna from above and treat yourself and your nearest and dearest to a romantic evening dinner in one of the Ferris wheel’s luxurious gondolas. Every quarter of an hour, you will be served with new delicacies on ground level before you are lifted into the air again. Perfect for wedding days, those newly in love or happy couples.


 A-ROSA auf der Donau
 Buffet auf dem A-ROSA Kreuzfahrtschiff
 A-ROSA Donaukreuzfahrten
 Sonnendeck A-ROSA Kreuzfahrtschiff
 Donau Ausflug mit dem Fahrrad
 Flussreise Wien
 A-ROSA Wellness Flusskreuzfahrten